
system of Matt & Massimo


realize superior comfort by digital transformation (DX)


completely open system independent from proprietary system

・flexible design:

from residential to building with various artistic interface option

To realize above, Matt & Massimo utilize KNX, the international standard as basic system and propose a fully customized solution for every projects towards owner, architects, designer and construction company

about KNX

sole open international protocol for home and building automation

global standard

defined as international standard such as ISO/IEC 14543-3 and others


secured connectivity among all devices certified by KNX Association

ETS: common tool

a sole tool for programming which supported by KNX Association

various gateway

enable to connect with other system such as BACnet、DALI and others

we, Matt & Massimo are KNX Association official training center

feel free to contact us if you require KNX official training or KNX product training